A doorman opening a door for two guests

Star ratings

All places to stay on RatedTrips.com are quality assessed by the AA or VisitEngland

Make an informed choice

All places to stay on RatedTrips are assessed by the AA or VisitEngland. This includes hotels, bed and breakfasts, self-catering cottages, campsites, holiday parks and villages, hostels, and other types of accommodation. 

Star-rated places have been independently verified by our experts as offering a consistently high standard. When we assess a place, the guest experience and physical quality are equally important. Our star ratings can help you make an informed choice when planning your next trip.

Quality Star Ratings

Places to stay are rated under the following levels:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Excellent

★ ★ ★ ★  Very good

★ ★ ★ Good

Read the full quality standards for each accommodation type >>

Quality Assessed 

These places have no star rating, but meet all minimum standards.

Read about the recent modernisation of the assessment schemes >>


Read about how we quality assess restaurants >>

Staff at the Merchant Hotel, Belfast celebrate their red star award

Best rated

The very best star-rated places in each category to stay receive extra awards from either the AA or VisitEngland.

VisitEngland gives a gold award to its highest-rated places to stay, while the AA awards red  'Inspector's choice' stars to hotels and gold stars to B&Bs and self-catering cottages. A ‘highly recommended’ silver awards is also given. Five-star AA Campsites receive platinum stars.

You can discover all best rated places in the UK on the search filters and via the links above.

A selection of scheme awards from the AA and VisitEngland

Other awards

Alongside the stars, places to stay can be awarded other awards to show the quality of experiences you can find there.  

This includes breakfast award icon shows that indciates a very special breakfast or the dinner award icon that illustrates a very special evening meal.

VisitEngland welcome schemes icons show if a property is well suited and equipped for guests with particular requirements, including walkers, cyclists, families and pets.

Hotels and B&B rated by the AA can also be awarded Rosettes for culinary excellence.

Want to know more?