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How do I update my property on Rated Trips?

Owners of a property on Rated Trips can update their details on our online portal

Update my property details

If your property is rated, recommended or assessed by the AA or VisitEngland then you can update your property online through our portal at

In most cases, you can use your main contact address as your username. If this doesn't work, contact us to get access or read our help questions, below.

Frequently asked questions

Where do I login?


You can only login using the email address we hold for you. To change this, please contact us at [email protected].


Why can't I sign in to the portal?

To sign in, you need to use the email address we hold for you.

If you haven't signed in yet, are unsure what email address we hold for you or want to update that address, then please contact us.


What's my username?

Your username is your email address that we hold and the address where you received the welcome message from us. It's also very likely the email address at which you receive newsletters from the AA and VisitEngland.

You should set your own password following the instructions from that email.

If you forget your password, please click ‘FORGOT PASSWORD’ then enter the email address and you will receive a new invitation to reset your password.

What's my password?

If you can't remember then select 'Forgot password' and then follow the instructions in the email you'll receive. Check your junkmail too.

I clicked 'Forgot password' but didn't receive an email from you.

In some cases, it might be that our message is in a junk mail folder. Add [email protected] to your contacts or trusted sender list to ensure this doesn't happen.

If you still can't find a recent message from us, contact us and we'll check the email address we hold for your property.

How do I update my information on the portal?

Log in to the customer update portal and then you’ll see a list of your establishments. Click the ‘Update Now’ button by the relevant name and on the following page click ‘Start Updates’. ]

Check the information we have provided and make the relevant changes. Many fields have some help text to assist you.

Once you’ve checked all the sections and are happy with your changes, click ‘Submit’. We will then review the changes.

Why am I being asked to update my establishment information?

We're here to help you market your property. As members of an AA or VisitEngland assessment scheme, we want to ensure we hold the most up-to-date information about your establishment(s).

The data is used to generate your online web listing on, help promote you in social media and in any relevant publications created by AA Media.

What type of images can I upload to the site?

We advise that your images are saved in jpeg format and are no larger than 10mb in file size.

Don't upload:

  • Fuzzy, blurred or obviously low-resolution images.
  • Composite images, where two more images have been put together on file.
  • Images with text or logos as the main part of the image. These will usually be deleted by our team of editors.

All images will be reviewed before they are published on the site.

Check our article on how to take the best images of your property.

What happens if I don’t update my information?

Your establishment’s profile page on Rated Trips will be out of date as will any publications we may produce that list your property.

How often can I update my information?

You can update your information at any time, except when you have recently submitted some changes and they are being reviewed.

Once changes have been reviewed, you’ll be able to make further updates. We aim to review all information submitted within 3 working days.

How do I apply for the AA COVID confident accreditation?

This is a separate process to updating your establishment details and will require a different login and password.

Please visit to begin the process.

How do I update my Covid Confident details?

This is done through a separate system. Sign in here to administer that account.